A Message to our Families

The Maurice and Everett Haines Sixth Grade Center is a very unique learning environment in that it is tailored to a target population of students…sixth graders. Our mission is to support students in the transition from elementary to middle school by committing to acclimating students through achievement and aspirations.
The "tween" years are characterized by significant physical, emotional and intellectual changes and the caring and well trained Haines staff delivers an academically challenging program while actively addressing the needs of the whole child. Haines Sixth Grade Center considers these aspects as we assist in the acclimation process.
From the onset of the school year, team building lessons and activities are planned to build a school-wide spirit of cooperation while developing students' self-reliance. The team concept provides for small learning communities and the opportunity to get to know the individual student. Staff members and students work together to develop a learning community that values individual uniqueness and understands how individual differences benefit the team as a whole. An integral support of the transition process is the service provided by the guidance counselor including academic and social counseling.
The Sixth Grade Center provides a number of options for our students through the extensive offering of extra-curricular activities. These opportunities allow students to explore their interests and develop their varied abilities. Aspirations are further developed with a variety of enrichment and challenge courses offered in the second semester. The resulting experiences are both enjoyable and educationally productive while allowing students to continue pursuing a passion/interest or discovering a new one.
Our academic programming is taught by specialists within their content areas: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. The core classes are complemented with exploratory experiences in art, music, Spanish, STEM, health and physical education. Additionally, we have transformed all academic classrooms into places where learning is a multi-media experience with Interactive white boards in every room and 1:1 Chromebooks for students.
We look forward to showcasing our unique school and learning environment and invite you to get involved. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available through the Media Center and supporting different social events. We look forward to sharing the pride we all feel at the Haines Sixth Grade Center.