Ms. Robson: Team 6-1 Math

Welcome Panthers!!!  I am very excited to meet you.  You are going to have a lot of fun learning all about math this year.  I am going to do my best to make sure that you feel supported and encouraged throughout the year.  
The best way to contact me is to send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Daily Materials:  Fully charged Chromebook, earbuds, a composition book, a labeled section in your binder for math, and pencils.  
Grading:  There are two types of grading at Haines - Achievement and Accountability
Achievement is broken down into three categories:
  • Major Assessments - tests (50%)
  • Minor Assessments - quizzes/graded assessments (30%)
  • Classwork - quick checks, exit slips (20%)
Accountability is broken down into three categories:
  • Homework/Preparation (50%)
  • Participation (50%)
Google Classroom:  This is where you will find your daily assignments, homework, and online assessments.  Please make sure that you join the correct math classroom!!!
Periods 1, 4, 6, 8: trdn7rw
Period 3:  trai6em