Haines 6th Grade Visual & Performing Arts
About Me
My name is Mrs. Denise DeAngelis. I teach art and music at Haines 6th Grade Center. I have taught in Medford since 2003, and at Haines 6th Grade Center since 2017. I live in Medford Lakes with my family. We love biking around town, swimming in the lakes, and taking our dog for walks. In my spare time I love to paint and I play the piano.
Quaver Music
Our music curriculum is accessible through www.quavered.com . Students will be able to login to Quaver Music's website as demonstrated in class.
Volunteer to Help!
Fill out this form to sign-up to help in the Art Room. Helpful tasks include labeling artwork, hanging artwork, preparing for the Art Show (this event is in late May), taking down the Art Show, sorting artwork to send home at the end of the year. Thank you for considering this opportunity!
Visit my YouTube channel for helpful videos and tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgYvUH-qmyeH9QJQLo8rag/