Welcome To Mrs. Simmons' Page
Let Me Introduce Myself
My name is Mrs. Simmons, I teach Science on Team 6-2 and I am also the team leader for Team 6-2. I have taught sixth grade in Medford since 2001. I am originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (GO STEELERS!!). I graduated from Clarion University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Masters of Education in Middle School Science.
How to Get the Grade
Achievement Grade -
This grade reflects your mastery of the knowledge, skills and understanding of the
science content. There are THREE categories in the achievement grade:
- 50 % Major Assessments
- Tests/Quizzes will always be announced so that there is ample time to prepare. Please do not wait until the last minute to study.
- 30% Minor Assessments
- Labs will be completed regularly and reflections questions will be given to show understanding.
- Alternative assessments will be used to show understanding beyond a formal in class assessment.
- 20% Classwork:
- Classwork activities throughout the year that will be assessed.
Accountability Grade -
The accountability grade represents the work habits and effort you have demonstrated. Accountability includes preparedness for class, organizational checks, following directions, and homework when graded for effort only..
- 50% Homework/Daily Assignments
- Assignments will be checked daily.
- If the assignment is completed following the directions given AND “turned in” - full credit - 10/10
- If the assignment is not completed following the directions given or turned in late – 7/10
- If the assignment is not turned in – no credit - 0/10 - until you turn in the assignment then - 5/10
- 50% Preparation
- This includes having all your supplies with you to class each day, following classroom routines and procedures, keeping work organized, following directions on assignments and participating in class activities.
Daily Agenda/Homework
If you are absent or forgot what we did that day, you can click on the links below.
When you are in school:
All assignments each day will be posted in: